TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 2013
Nicaragua News Bulletin (June 11, 2013)
1. Inter-oceanic canal bill reported out of National Assembly committee
2. Canal concession meets with mixed reactions
3. Government announces plan for new agricultural season
4. Rains cause damage and deaths
5. San Cristóbal and Cerro Negro Volcanoes active again
Nicaragua Climate Change Delegation
This delegation has returned from Nicargua so watch this space for a report!
Climate Change, Water, and Sustainability
June 10 - 21, 2013
At the crossroads between North and South America, Nicaragua is astonishingly bio-diverse and is a regional leader in terms of energy from renewable resources. It is also on the frontline of climate change, suffering increasingly from desertification, flooding and crop devastation. And, this little country is also profoundly engaged in two projects that could re-shape the world.
TUESDAY, JUNE 04, 2013
Nicaragua News Bulletin (June 4, 2013)
1. Venezuelan President Maduro visits Nicaragua, confirms support
2. US Ambassador Powers highlights “solid relationship”
3. Struggle to protect forest and indigenous land continues
4. Program promotes farming with native seed
5. Nicaragua’s work against money laundering recognized
6. Tsunami drill 90% effective
7. Archeological excavations resume in Chontales
8. A push for more recycling
TUESDAY, MAY 28, 2013
Nicaragua News Bulletin (May 28, 2013)
1. Government to continue electricity subsidy but penalize illegal hookups
2. Ortega government presents annual report
3. Rainy season starts
4. Colombia preparing challenge to World Court decision
5. Nicaragua sells sugar to Venezuela bypassing transnationals
6. Census shows childhood malnutrition is halved
7. Zero Usury loans to double
8. Government launches anti-drug education campaign
TUESDAY, MAY 21, 2013
Nicaragua News Bulletin (May 21, 2013)
1. Ortega confirms plans for trans-isthmian canal
2. Government modifies proposal for Social Security reform
3. HIV/AIDS testing and treatment improve
4. Archeological discoveries on Caribbean Coast announced
5. US donates anti-narcotics equipment to Nicaragua
6. New wind farm inaugurated
7. Water and sewer access continues to grow
8. US foundation supplies medical training and medicines
TUESDAY, MAY 14, 2013
Nicaragua News Bulletin (May 14, 2013)
1. UNESCO asks for protection of indigenous in Bosawas Reserve; government announces prosecutions
2. Churchmen, with one exception, lambast Law 779
3. Government presents outline of plan to confront coffee leaf rust
4. Hydroelectric projects moveforward
5. Nicaragua pays for Venezuela oil with food
6. Ortega meets with Palestinian Foreign Minister
7. Nicaraguan students to receive NASA training
8. School lunch supplies distributed
TUESDAY, MAY 07, 2013
Nicaragua News Bulletin (May 7, 2013)
1. Central American presidents meet with Obama in San Jose
2. Petrocaribe presidents meet in Caracas
3. Changes possible in Law against Violence toward Women
4. Commission meets to consider Bosawas invasions
5. National Assembly approves agreement to boost cacao production
6. Foreign debt rises
Nicaragua News Bulletin (April 30, 2013)
1. Indigenous Mayangna killed in Bosawas confrontation with colonizers
2. Two polls show strong support for government
3. United States has benefited most from DR-CAFTA
4. International Coffee Organization to help fight leaf rust in Central America
5. World Bank donates US$16.7 million for preschool education
6. Student desk deficit addressed
Nicaragua News Bulletin (April 23, 2013)
1. Fire consumes unique dry tropical forest in Masaya Volcano National Park
2. Ortega attends inauguration of Maduro in Caracas
3. US State Department releases annual human rights report
4. Nicaragua among major exporters of garments to US
5. Nicaragua is world’s fifth largest organic coffee producer
6. Ben Linder project continues on 25th anniversary of his killing
7. Nicaragua ratifies ALBA trade rules treaty
8. UNESCO accepts petition to consider Rama language as intangible cultural heritage
9. CSE cancels legal recognition of three small political parties
10. TELCOR decree reversed
Nicaragua News Bulletin (April 16, 2013)
1. Nicaragua reacts to Venezuelan elections
2. Nicaragua L.A.’s first country to achieve UN Millennium Objective on hunger
3. Nicaragua moves toward 100% renewable energy production
4. FUNIDES report details favorable economic situation
5. Electricity rates rise for some
6. 5,000 youth begin national child nutrition census
7. Health Ministry to vaccinate over one million Nicaraguans
8. TELCOR decree causes a firestorm
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